Monday, June 3, 2013

Hello all!!  So I don't really know where I want to start with this so I guess I'll just start from the beginning.  For those of you who don't know, my husband Jonny and I have been married for almost 2 years and we have a daughter that will be 2 in August.  Since November 2012 he has been trying to join the Army but we have run into some problems because of past mistakes so it has taken much longer than normal.  But after a lot of waiting and A LOT of praying, as of May 29, 2013, Jonny is officially in the U.S. Army!  He leaves July 8 and will graduate from basic in September. 

I have been around the military my whole life so I definitely knew what I was getting into when my husband decided he wanted to join but it is always different when you go through it from the very beginning.  I have lots of friends that are married to people in the military also but none of them were there during the joining and basic training parts, let alone have a family during it all too.  So really this is my way of keeping family and friends updated with what we are going through and also, somewhere that I express my feelings and maybe let people that are in similar situations that they aren't alone.

Now the next couple of weeks we will be traveling and visiting family before he leaves so I probably will be pretty slow at updating.  But after we get back and when he leaves, I will have plenty of time to update!  So I guess I will update more later on!!